Make up your mind to be grateful to God. Don't allow people or circumstances change your mind. Keep it set on being thankful. It's not what happens to you or what you have or don't have that is important; it's how your mind is arranged and the choices you make. Know what to ignore and express your joy.
You place a value on everything in your life. You are the one who esteems what's important to you. Apostle Paul wrote the book of Philippians while in prison. Yet, it's his happiest book. He used the words "joy," "rejoice," and "rejoicing" a total of seventeen times in just four chapters. Apostle Paul was praising God and rejoicing from jail.
Be thankful for what you have. Your life is someone else's prayer point and miracle. Someone somewhere is grateful for half of what you have. A grateful heart is a magnet for a miracle; thanksgiving is your resúmé for a testimony.
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