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*GLOBAL COMMUNION SERVICE* (October 2023 Edition)


*Rev. Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DSc DD*

There are a couple of things happening in our world that we must address and deal with.

They are not really as new as many people think. When we read the bible we see that these are things that have been there a long long time.

Somehow there are people that are given new opportunities to old sins and unrighteousnesses. 

Ephesians 6:12-

This scripture informs God's people that the real enemy is not another human being. In the world, there are lots of problems that people face; local, within the home, within your city, institution, the country, or the world. We wrestle not against flesh and blood ....

Mark 16: 17-

Devils= demons. 

Demon= Greek "Daimon" . It particularly refers to some deity. It historically comes from "Distribution of fortunes" (fortune tellers). The spirits that were supposed to distribute fortunes whether they were good or bad (God's and goddesses). Most didn't know what was behind these spiritual entities. 

Some use the word "Demons" carelessly to refer to a bad habit. They don't know what they are talking about. These are real demons. 

There are some generic terms in the bible that refer to these supernatural beings of evil:; Demons, evil spirits.

In the OT you find " evil spirit " more frequently used than in in the new. They assumed that if someone was affected or confronted by an evil spirit, it was from God. The idea was that everything came from God whether good or bad. That's why Jesus came to let us know who God really is; His character. Even the prophets of old didn't really know him. When God manifested himself to Moses in n exodus 6, he said " I am Jehovah. Your Fathers knew me as Elshaddai ." Jesus comes and says " I and my Father are one. If you have seen me, you have seen the Father". Then we study to know it was true. He was God in human flesh, born of a virgin.. which was supposed to be humanly impossible. Mary became pregnant by the prophetic word spoken to her. She became pregnant by the power of the holy spirit. That's why Jesus is called the word of God/logos in Flesh. 

The scriptures are replete with information on the person of Jesus. Until you discover that Jesus truly is God, you don't know him. 

One things the Jews walere sure if, was that Joseph was not his real father. Jesus told them about the ascension and it happened. He ascended before their eyes, proving who he was. Not only did he prove himself to be deity from his miraculous works, he also proved himself to be God by his miraculous death, resurrection and ascension to heaven..

He ascended in his physical body. They watched him go. That never happened to anybody from the creation of the world. 

The Biggest thing that ever happened in this world!!!

Where do demons come from? Who are they? Another generic term used not directly from scripture bu definitely implied is "Fallen Angels". There are 2 kinds of Fallen Angels. 

There are those that fell together with Satan/Lucifer, then another group.. The first group are still in this world and they have an order.. beginning with their boss, Satan the devil. He is the personification of evil. They do evil things. 

KJV, NIV John 8:44, This is the character Satan and the same character of the fallen angels. This let's us know who was behind the killing of Abel. It is natural for Satan to lie. He never tells the truth. 

*(Documentary: THE GENDER AGENDA)*

We see that those young people were lied to and deceived. Not just the deception that came from medical officials, school teachers and their peers, but more importantly the lies that came from Demons/evil spirits. Many times, they are not able to distinguish between words coming from a human being and words from an evil spirit. 

Acts 19:13-17

What is Vagabond Jews: These guys walking around aimlessly, hopelessly, Jobless....

These guys decided to pick people who had evil spirits and were calling the name of Jesus over them even though they were not believers among them. If was an evil spirit that responded to the 7 sons of Sceva using the man's voice. 

How do you know when an evil spirit is talking to you through a teacher, a doctor, a friend? Remember Jesus told those Jews 'you are of your Father, the devil'. Those were tough words to come from a man of love. 

Matthew 12: 34

He called them "a generation of vipers"

V39:  The word 'Generation' here is different from Verse 34. Here, it refers to an age/period of time. But in verse 34, 'Generation' means "Offspring" or progeny/fruit. Children of Snakes and Vipers. Children of Devils. 

When talking with people, you should be able to tell when words are coming from demons when listening to people. Some have been led to their death because they were unable to tell. 

Matthew 16: 15-17 Jesus let peter know how he got the information 

V23: At this point, Jesus also realized Peter was speaking by the Devil. 

Can you know that when that Doctor said you needed Surgery, it was the devil who said that???

Demons do terrible things to people. Destroy their businesses, ruin their lives.... they have no respect. Children are not too young for them to destroy. They mislead children as they mislead adults. They are not called evil spirits for nothing. They are evil

And all they ever do is lie. If you are not exposed to the truth, you will be exposed to lies. Your mind cannot be empty. If you don't plant the right things, it will have what the devil puts there. 

Will share more during the next YLWS.

Remember, knowledge of truth is power. If you don't have the knowledge truth, you will be a victim in life. It takes the revelation of God. 

Thanks be unto God. 

This month is the month of INSIGHT!

Ephesians 1:17-   KJV, AMPC

Revelation: Apocalupsis. 

Insight into mysteries and secrets. This month you're going to have insight into mysteries and secrets. It's God's joy and will to reveal mysteries to you. 

Jesus said to the disciples " to the others, the words are given in parables. But to you, the mysteries are given". You as a child of God, have a right to this insight.

1 Corinthians 2:6-8

This mystery was not revealed to the academia of the world. They thought Jesus was an ordinary man. They didn't know. They chose Barabbas in the place of Jesus. But Jesus was the son of God.

Pray right now

Pray for little kids that their minds will be protected from the wrong teachers, trainers, minders, coaches who mislead. Pray for Government leaders and heads of schools who make bad decisions that these children will be protected form such bad decisions. 

Pray for them. 


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