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OCTOBER 11, 2023


I want to welcome you to today's program. This is season 8, phase 2 and day 1. 

A number of things for us to look into.

Recently they said that there's some bird flu that's killing many chickens and turkeys in many countries. 

I have a number of things to tell you about that one tomorrow. 

I'm grateful to the Lord that he gave us the right to pray; the right to ask and receive. 

Remember prayer is it man's idea. It's God's idea and he told us to pray because he intended to answer. 

He also told us to watch. 

He said "Watch and Pray". So in that sense, we shouldn't be ignorant of what's going on in our world. We don't necessarily know what's going one by looking around. If so, you'll be full of fear and be discouraged. But you have to look through the lens of God's word. Then you'd know what to do and how to respond. 

Psalm 9:17

God's word is so clear about the future of the wicked and the future of the nations that forget God. Think about that. The day will come when they will be judged. 

Acts 17: 24- 29 KJV NIV MSG

V26- He determined where they would be and the extent of their occupation. 

Before God, all the world is exposed. He sees all things.

In the preceding scriptures, Paul was addressing the issue of Idolatry. 

V31: He is talking about Jesus Christ. God has appointed that he will judge the whole world by Jesus Christ. It doesn't matter what religion you're into. God will Judge the whole world by one man, Jesus Christ. He proved it by raising him from the dead. 

Jesus levitated into Heaven.

There is a judgement coming for the wicked

 Many live as though they can do whatever they like and it will never matter. One day, it will matter by Jesus Christ.

In 2020, when the covid fiasco started and the world was thrown in fear, I told you what it was about and everything I told has been proven to be true. 

I told you then, that it was designed by man. That is was planned; that is was in a bid to getting the world for a one world government. I showed you in a diagram what paths they planned to take and those behind it. I showed you the technological and pharmaceutical paths. I showed you the purpose was to get the whole world vaccinated (which they denied at the time). 

They said they would never mandate forced vaccinations. I told you they already had the vaccine long before the covid. 

Everything I told you has been found to be true. 

The reason I said all of that is this:

This is not a conspiracy theory. I can see these things through the spirit and by the word of God. The spirit of God helps us understand the signs of the times.

The people clamoring and working towards the one world government have no clue what it will be. The bible says it there will be a time when it will come, and it will be headed by Satan, but he will put a transhuman there (the antichrist to head it). 

The scriptures show us how that Government is going to work. 

I explained to you the Draconian measures that were taken in many countries. 

Draco for the tyrant that he was... The name itself actually refered to a Dragon. 

Only those in the luciferian cults knew what they were doing. The so-called professionals didn't know what they were doing. 

The vaccine was just to get under your skin.

It wasn't to vaccinate you againt the virus. It would not prevent infection or the spread.

So why were you being forced to take it?

Because of the Agenda! Because they want to get into your DNA. 

But with all of the abundant revelations that have come into the Open, the WHO has refused to acknowledge it. Rather they are doubling down and finding different ways for force vaccination Including the bird flu. 

Even Malaria that's easy to cure, they are insisting that they want to use MRNA vaccines for it. 

The plan to control food and water all over the world by a select few who are talking about Globalization Which is a euphemism for colonization. 


Those who are the proponents of global vaccination are the very same people who are advocates of drastic population reduction in the world. 

How can those who want a reduction in the world population create a vaccine to save your life?

They were to cut down the population by 3billion with Covid and that was just for starters. 

Make no mistake about it. This is one reason why they are not happy about free speech. They have declared war on "misinformation" when they are the ones giving , "disinformation". It takes Government and economic power to carry our disinformation. 

They don't want any other narrative except their narrative so that you'll never know the truth 

The bible shows us the nations of the world will be deceived through the Pharmaceutical industry. 

Where we are at the moment is the same struggle. Their intention is that the world should never be in a state of rest. These are the plans of the WEF, Gavi, including the activist led united nations as it is today, and the WHO as isit today. They are bringing in their own agenda. 

That's why we pray for leaders all around the world so that God will give them wisdom to understand what's going on.

Satan lured king David to number Israel. Had the scriptures not said so, we would have never known that caused this decision which eventually led to the death of 70,000 men. 

Remember thatYou have a responsibility to open your heart to the truth and be led by God's word. 

I told you that the Vaccine was  a software; a gene therapy. They called it software of life. 

And after implanting into your body, they would run the applications through booster shots, through which you would become the living system. The internet of things; you as a person would be part of a network. You would be connected. 

Now ethey call it 'Internet of bodies' 

I told you about the Ukraine war where Russia was presented as the aggressor. They didn't tell you for what reason. There was a well planned provocation knowing full well what would result. They expanded NATO after agreeing that there would be no such expansion into such territories. 

They poked the bear and the well predicted situation came up.

Russia came in, and NATO began this aggression.

But it's not about Russia or Ukraine,. It's about the global agenda. The plan that the world should never be at rest until they are in control

Hilary Clinton said it right , "we will not be civil until we regain power". Civility is out the window until the left controls the nations. 

Very recently, Mrs. Clinton made a very troubling statement where she proposed the DEPROGRAMMING of Trump supporters. Very cruel. What does that mean?

You have to understand some bit of what's happened in our world. .

Think back to China in the 50s. 

Think of what they did with the thought reform camps. These were concentration camps.

Or the old Soviet Gulags.

This is what Mrs. Clinton is proposing and several on that camp are proposing the same thing.

They are referring not just to Trump supporters but to people branded as enemies of the state.

Deprogramming means taking the individuals and subjecting them to certain conditions so that you can change their beliefs and give them new ideas that are consistent with the establishments narratives. 

They take them to concentration camps, subject them to hard labor, starvation, horrendous inquisitions and finally death for those who are unable to survive.

They are accused of anti-etablishmentarianism. They are seen as extremists.

Where is this all leading to?

Where was Israel looking when there was such massive incursions into their country by Hamas? I thought Israel had the best intelligence in the world? How could Israel have been taken by surprise?

But who was taken by surprise and who was not taken by surprise?

Who were those who knew this was coming?

How timely tomfollow the $6bn returned to Iran that had been held back for years. Then Iran is behind the funding of Hamas, Hezbollah etc. Who are more loyal to their cult than they are loyal to their country?

It's all about the one world government.

In 2021, I was explaining on this program, the involvement of the Freemasons in the One world government pursuit. 

Albert Pike, the grand commander and sovereign pontiff of the universal freemasonry made a statement in his vision and plan for the 3rd world war. 

They are following the grand commanders plan.

He said the 3rd world war must be fomented by the differences of the agency of the illuminati. They will use the help of the illuminati to cause trouble between the political Zionists( not just the Jews, but all those who support Israel... the christians) and the Islamic world. 

The war must be fomented in such a way that the islamists and the political Zionists will completely eliminate each other. 

This is a war on different fronts. 

I told you a word used by George Bush Snr "a thousand points of light". 

Like how Saddam Hussein was lured into Kuwait. 

He didn't just wake up one day f decided to enter Kuwait. An official was sent to advise him to move into Kuwait and that america wouldn't do anything about it. Next thing, he went into Kuwait.

The people who sent the official were the members of the illuminati.

Now, they strike first, then Israel strikes back in a devastating way. 

Israel will soon be accused of fighting a fly with a sledge hammer. 

They've moved their soldiers to the northern border, so soon Israel will be fighting on two fronts. .

Soon Israel will have to attack Iran since they are funding Hamas and Hezbollah.

Then, Islamic Jihad from Pakistan joins.

This will lead to an uprising. 

This is as envisioned by the planners of this. 

I told you about the polarization of nations and about this phase of polarization. I told you it would go on. 

You will have those that are Pro-china who are friends with Russia, then those Pro-Europe. 

It's going to get so polarized. .this is what they planned to do (according to Albert Pike). 

They want to get the world exhausted and frustrated. 

They will unleash the atheists. 

The Freemasons have the real doctrine that Lucifer)Satan is God. .if you are in Freemasons, you are a Satanist even though you are not yet aware yet , (31st degree and up)

Freemasons hate atheists because they believe that Lucifer is God.

They will lead people to become disillusioned with Christianity. They believe that the christians will be without compass or direction. 

The 3rd world war that he planned is to bring the world into such a chaotic situation to bring about the manifestation of Lucifer. 

While this war is going on, they want the Ukraine war to continue and expect China to move into Taiwan,

Then pretentious America will act like they are going to fight back. 

But I have news for them... There will be a third world war, but not yet!

They can create this Chaos and pretend to be traveling up and down to bring peace between nations (,which they don't want)

Remember after the covid failed, Bill gates announced that there would be another pandemic which will be taken more seriously..

In the same way,

The Ukraine war hasn't gone the way they expected so they had to trigger this one. 

The same way the Hamas has been encouraged through Iran to move into Israel, 

If you look at the Bible, you will understand why things are going like this. 

Ephesians 5:15-16.

Save the time... Like saving something from someone trying to control it. 

Satan is trying to steal time because he's been limited

 They have 7 years for their one world government. They have 3 and half years to set up their structures. But from the middle of the 7 years the world will go into great tribulation like the world has never seen before. Men will seek death but not find it. 

Satan knows that that time is short. .

The only way for him to get extra time is by starting earlier. He knows how to take advantage of prophecy and create a pseudo situation as if it's a manifestation of the prophecy. 

Eph 5:17- there are people who don't know the will of God

 (E. G. Pastors who shut down their churches during covid)

.you should know the will of God. You should know Gods timing. 

The prophetic word of Daniel concerning the abomination of desolation (Dan 9:27)

Because of these prophetic words, Antiochus The 3rd moved into the altar and killed a pig. Many believed it was a fulfilment of Daniels prophecy.

But Satan was trying to do then what he's trying to do now: Bring in an antichrist government. 

The devils strategy has never changed all through history. 

Jesusakes clear to us Matt 24,v25 that we should not be misled by the Antiochus situation. 

There are other things that are to take place before the antichrist comes and as at then, they had not happened. 

What kind of a world are we supposed to be living in at this time?

The WEF wants everyone to beg them for their one world government. 

Europe/WEF is saying they want to regulate land use. They want to be in control. It's about certain individuals in Europe trying to control the whole world. They are only interested in themselves.

Take this scripture seriously

1 Timothy 2v1-2

We can live. Life that is quiet, peaceable and godly with honesty

They want us to live in their world but we will not live in their world. They will live in our world. 

Luke 8:1 He wants us to be prayerful.

All the measures they put in place during covid were cruel. But many scientists and medical doctors accepted those ideas (masking, social distancing etc,) They were raised never to question anything. 

Ask the question:: Why does Africa have the largest number of women with Fibroids? And in Africa, the highest number are from West Africa... And in west Africa, the highest number are from Nigeria.

Question: WhY?

Ask the right questions. It's connected to Vaccines. 

The men are afflicted with heart troubles... They get stroke mostly. 

If someone tells you that this information is not true, ask him if he has done his research and what experience he has. 

Now they want to vaccinate young girls. 

What do Fibroids do to the human body? They are abnormal growths that cause the distort the Uterus. Sometimes they grow so large, they look like pregnancy. It affects them in terrible ways. It doesn't stop growing. It's like cancer. In that way it can kill the individual, yet they tell you that its benign. 

How do people plan this kind of evil things and give it to others?

The bible says the heart of man is deceitful above all things and  desperately wicked. Who can know it?

We have to pray! 

1 Tim 2;3- It is possible for us to have this kind of world. We have to pray as he instructed us. We must not fall to the expectations and calculations if fear. 

V4: He wants people saved. He wants the gospel to have free course and be glorified in every nation.

What kind of world should be living in today? The world that the UN or WEF postulates?

Philippians 4:9. If the God of peace is with you, you will be at peace. He brings you peace. 

Romans 16:20- It's about prayer and God answering your prayer in such a way that Satan is subdued under your feet. .theE satanic plans will be brought under subjection. 

We are the ones living in this time and the same God of Peace will bruise Satan and his allies under our feet shortly. 

1 Peter 5:10- They were going through persecution but he was encouraging them not to feel discouraged when they face persecution. There are those who will not like you because you are not of the world. 

A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.

We are going to pray for the nations of the world and these plans by Albert Pike and his Freemasons and their plans to send out the anahilists and Atheists to complicate their work going out as the illuminati. This will fail in this time because this is the churchq's day. 

We will not live in Chaos. 

Healing Streams: 27th to 29th October.


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