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Your Loveworld Specials Season 8 Phase 2 Day 2

Opening Prayer: Rev. Tom Amenkhienan 


I want to welcome you to today’s program. This is season 8 phase 2 Day 2.

The documentary we just watched is enlightening, and the sad truth is the things we watched are still there till today. In 2020 I pointed out to you on this program that eugenics was what was behind Covid and the holocaust. Several documentaries were shown to remind you of man’s inhumanity to man. Reminders of the concentration CENTERS which later became extermination centers. The builders and contractors didn’t know what they were building. The masterminds weren’t on site, they were far away. History shows how hitler was cajoled into this. He didn’t start out wanting to exterminate the Jews. He was guided by the eugenists.

Many of these fellows were happy to be identified with this group, especially when Francis gave the name eugenics. We have to understand how our world has evolved. We mustn’t forget. Some never asked the right questions because they were sweet talked. 

Throughout Africa the educational curriculum was based on British writings, including of the history of African nations. A lot of the information was given to them as it was given them by the English people. An example is where Mongo Park was said to have discovered river Niger. This is very stupid. How could Mongo Park discover River Niger when there were people who lived there. Where was the minister of education, even those who the rivers ran through their states when these narrative were taught in school? Today, who is looking into the books the children are studying in school? Is there a structure to this? After more than 60 years of so-called independence, is our educational system still modeled after the British structure? 

You can imagine what is happening in Cameroon, in Asia? In South America theirs is different. I call on you to look into the books that the children are made to read. A documentary was shown on what kids are being taught in school. Quite a number of things to talk about in this documentary. But yesterday there was questions on how come Israel wasn’t aware of the attack? Come to be that Israel was informed 3 days prior about this attack. I asked the question, who was surprised by the attack and who did the attack surprise? Yesterday we learned that illuminati were the instigators of this attack. 

Someone may ask what is the Illuminati? The Illuminati is a group that originally started in Bavaria by Adam Weishaupt, the word is the plural for the enlightened. It was during the enlightenment era of 18th century Europe, which followed the renaissance era. What happened was that secular humanism had taken over the people, and was popular. The church was sleeping until these cults became stronger than the church. Bavaria is a part of present day Germany. And their core aims is to: Oppose superstition. Remove religious influence over public life; and the abuses of state power, 

and to an end to the machinations of the injustice. 

They want to control without dominating them. What a contradiction.

Adam Weishaupt wasn’t particularly impressed by the freemasonry, and wanted to start his own, but by the next year he joined them. 

The reason this organization prevailed a lot was because some had started becoming influential. For instance Charles Thompson who was the secretary of the confederation, designed the seal of the US, and being vast in Latin coined the symbols, and the Latin word AANUIT CEPTIS; and NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM ( NEW WORLD ORDER or NEW ORDER OF THE AGES) The image on the back of the US 1 dollar. Some had assumed that he meant that God had given a nod to their endeavors, because of the unfinished pyramid, and the eye, but in the Latin it has no mention of God. All these were done in secret. Later he was said to have  translated the Old Testament.

They were against the rise of the Christian dogma of their time; and those who were Protestant were against them but didn’t build a platform to stop people from being drawn into the secularism.

 While the secularists used the secular medium to promote, practices and solidify their narratives. They had it in their music, movies and books.

The 18th century Age of Enlightenment came up to remove, from mainstream,  the practice of blind faith over science, and wanted to change the unspiritized. They had a lot of debates on racial and population control. 

Because of their desire to control the population, they came up with the concept of vaccines. Denmark started first, and the British were next, all against small pox. No one queried them. This excited Francis Galton who started Eugenics. They wanted population control through racial hygiene and eugenics. Bill gates stated it clearly during his Tedtalk where he came up with a formula, where he said if we do a good job with vaccination we will bring closer to zero the population. He postulated that the world’s population would get to 12billion. He didn’t misspeak. The narrative of vaccine is to bring down the population. There was no proof that it did what it was said it would do. No one further scrutinized their theory. 

Vaccination was designed to control population by racial factors and increase I. Wealth for themselves. They have succeeded in making people believe that if you don’t vaccinate your children, they will die off. Don’t be deceived by politicians and celebrities who claim that they took the vaccines.

Acts 17:24-

God made the human race of one blood. So where did the different narrative of blood come from? There should be a call for the testing of the blood. What do they test for in the blood? If they knew what they were doing how come there’s still blood disease? Science is for discovery! So then questions should be asked. But they don’t want questions asked. They even had names for those who don’t agree with them…..they called them anti-vaxxers. And wanted to make standard the greeting with the elbow, which never stood. They even coined a name goat for people and said it meant greatest of all times; and the Lord said he was going to separate the sheep from the goat. Don’t find yourself being deceived. 

The Illuminati gained ground because they said we don’t believe in any religion, we are free thinkers. They rely more on reason, logic, naturalism as opposed to spiritualism or the supernatural. But they are not the first.

Acts 23:

Paul had been arrested and it came to the time he was to defend himself before the council and they brought their leaders. As they gathered and questioned him, he made a statement and was slapped…they didn’t like what he said. 

Acts 23:6

The illuminati thrived on reason and science. Anything we can prove with our senses is what we believe in. 

The saducees claim there is no resurrection and no such thing as angels or spirits. They believe that man is an ordinary person, when he dies that’s all.

The saducees were the illuminati of Jesus’ day. 

Genesis 3:1-5

The serpent was the Illuminati of the day. He accused God of hiding information from Adam and Eve. This is the same thing the 18th century Illuminati wanted also. So the Illuminati didn’t start with the 18th century. Satan deceived them also with the promos of enlightenment..but let’s look at a far more better enlightenment.

1 Corinthians 2:7-11

We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery. In esoteric language. The illuminati thought that they spoke esoteric language, but they didn’t know this kind of enlightenment. Emmanuel Kant, Engel didn’t know this. None of the princes of this world knew this. 

They can’t know the deep things of God without the spirit of God, the same spirit they claim that doesn’t exist. Even Job said there is a spirit within man; and job was the richest man in all the east: middle, northern, southern or even eastern east. The Illuminati is lost that’s why they say there is no spirit. The things of God no one can know except by the Holy Ghost.

We have received the holy ghost so we know the things of God. That’s how we know about salvations, heaven, speaking in tongues, the spirit realm, angels and the glory realm…Hallelujah!!! Have you heard of glass gold? That’s what the streets of heaven are made of. 

Pastor recounts when he saw gold dust on his toes. 

The Holy Ghost helps us to know the things of God. We have a different vocabulary from the world’s language. We don’t operate with their wisdom on finances. Those who go to America to learn about success are foolish, because America is the largest debtor and it increases by the day since the war in the Middle East began. They teach you how to have fake wealth. You have to think differently as God’s children. You can’t act like the world and have supernatural results. If you think like God you would have God’s result. 

Ephesians 5:1 imitate the Lord. Use his principles. You can’t imitate the world and get God’s result. The IMF or WORLD BANK are failures. There’s no nation that they have been able to bring out of debt. God has planned for us an extraordinary future between now and the rapture, but we have to walk and work with his ideas. We have to work with the spirit of God.

Matthew 21:43

Jesus said I will build my church, my ecclesia, his nation. The kingdom would be given to the church, who will produce fruits of righteousness. Get ready for your creativity, the innovativeness of your spirit. The visionary power of your spirit. The ability to perform that has been given to you in Christ, the power to make things happen within your spirit.

Go ahead and talk to the Lord for his amazing grace. 

Pray Everywhere!!


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