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Welcome to this day 3, season 8, phase 2 of Your LOVEWORLD SPECIALS.

We decided to fast and pray today for the nations of the world. 

And we started today's program with that and were going to pray some more. 

1 Tim 2:1-2

Those are different kinds of prayers. 

Pray for everybody. 

Leaders at the top of the hierarchy and those at different levels of leadership.

This is God's word. It's guaranteed. 

If we pray the way He told us to, the result will be that we will lead a quiet and peaceable life. 

He wants salvation for everyone, secondly, for them to come to the knowledge of the truth.

A lot of times, people are misled, deceived and misguided and God wants them to come to the knowledge of the truth.

What if you don't like those leaders? A mayor, head of a school, Judge etc...

That you don't like them has got nothing to do with it. What he told you is an instruction...So you do that whether you like them or not. 

Proverbs 25:21-22

Don't take vengeance against your enemy. Treat him well, and leave everything to God. Don't treat him badly like he did to you. 

That's different from what the world teaches. The world teaches vengeance. 

Romans 12:17-20

As much as you can control, live peacably with all men. (But two cannot walk together unless they be agreed)

V19AMPC- Leave the way open for God's wrath. If you take any action, God will not have to take any action. He won't be happy with you. 

Romans 13:1-2

Ephesians 5:25 - That's straight to the point. Why are you loving your wife, because she is your wife. There is no place in the bible that says "Marry the one you love" or "Love the one you are planning to marry".

Love your wife. Period. 

Titus 2:1-4

Older women are warned not to be false accusers. God knows what everyone's problem is. 

V4: Older women should teach the young women to love their husbands and be fond of your husband. Make friends with him

 Not complaining. Why? Because he is your husband. 

Ephesians 6:1-2

Honor your father! He didn't say if they treat you well or if they paid your school fees. 

You are to honor them because they are your parents. No other conditions. 

In the same way, he tells us about praying for all men.

Even in the current situation with the war in the middle East. You will pray for Israel, Palestinians, Hamas, Hezbollah. 

God loves all men. If you don't pray for them, how will salvation come to them.

If we do what God said, we will get the resulr that he has attached to it. But if we use our own brain and emotions, we won't get the results. 

God is able to change the heart of the most wicked individuals.

Paul was injurious to the church, He wrecked havoc to the church, yet God saved his life.

Saul, after his meeting with Samuel, as he turned, God gave Him another heart. He became compassionate and humble. So much so, when they said he was going to be the King, he hid himself. He wouldn't even come out 

The bible says the heart of the king is in the hand of God. Like rivers of God, he can turn it any direction he chooses to 

"It seems that God will do nothing except men pray"...John Wesley.

If you don't ask God to do somethings, they just won't be done.

I was puzzled by some things in the bible.

E.g. Cain killed Abel.

Why did God allow Cain kill Abel ? (after he had just given his wonderful first fruit offering to God).

God saw it. 

Another interesting case:

Saul was seeking to kill David and was told that David fled and had gone to Nod. The priests there gave him whatever he asked for and he disappeared. Saul sent for all the priests in Nod and killed All the Lord's priests. 

Then in the New Testament:

James, the Brother of John, was slain with the sword. (Suggesting that he was Beheaded). 

Why did God let Herod Kill James?

And when Herod realized it pleased the Jews, ceases Peter also...


The Factor here was Prayer!

Somebody intervened in Prayer.

So, who would have intervened in behalf of Abel. 

Well, Adam and Eve were there. Why didn't they do so? Maybe if they were prayerful, they would have known about something or had insight. 

No one prayed. 

What about the priests? No one prayed. 

What about James? Everyone knew that he was arrested but no one prayed.

But we find a difference when peter was taken.

Men ought always to pray and not to faint/give up!

If you would pray, something would happen. 

Years ago, one of my in-laws for arrested by the military government and he was accused of being somehow involved with the coup plotters which he knew nothing about. A message was sent to me after he was there for several days. 

I call CEC members and we prayed. As we prayed, my dad began to prophesy! He said that angels had gone forth to bring him out now. 

When we were through praying, same afternoon, like two hours after we had prayed. I got a message that he had been released. 

When I called him to ask what happened. 

He said "No one told me anything. They just opened the place and told me to move"...and continue with his Job for the next four years.

Why? Because we prayed. Others went through some horrendous experiences including death.

John Wesley was right. 

This is man's world.

 There are different kinds of prayers. 

It is true that anything is possible. We just need to learn what the principles are. We can get any results from God. 

His word is dependable and true. 

Right now pray for your country for peace.

Pray for the different groups that Salvation will come to them and that God will give them another heart; a heart of peace.

If we pray, changes can take place. This is the time of God's favor and love. The set time to favor them is now. 

(Prayer session)

I was telling you about the mercy of God.

The bible tells us about a king that was very wicked.

1 Kings 21:25-26

He was so bad. Think how bad this guy was. He was as bad as the amorites.

 Then, as wicked and as evil as he was, Somebody else became worse than this guy.

A small devil was raised up by a very good king. 

Hezekiah who was a wonderful King, had a son named Manasseh. He most have been badly brought up. Instead of copying David and Solomon and even his Father, He copied Ahab. 

He reigned the longest. 52 years on the throne.

2 Kings 21:10-11

Manasseh was worse than the Amorites. 

2 Chronicles 33:9-13

When leaders are bad, they also made their people to do bad. 

V12-13:There were Kings that didn't call on the Lord when they were carried away. But this one humbled himself and prayed to God. 

Then God heard him and brought him back to his place in Jerusalem as King.

V14-16: He was truly repentant. 

He commanded Judah to serve the Lord.

The Lord is merciful and he can be merciful to your leaders and other leaders around the world. 

Maybe someone was praying for Manasseh. Maybe Hezekiah prayed for him before he passed. But even Manasseh himself prayed. 

It takes the grace of God to come back to yourself. 

(Documentary: Population Politricks.)

The numbers they give us are fake. They are lying about the population. The numbers are based on the things they want to do. 

Why don't they allow nations to carry out their own census?

When was the last time your country had a census that was reliable. Before it is concluded, something happens. Then they are apportioned numbers from the UN and the WHO. They don't have any scientific or technological method of coming up with the numbers. 

We need the accurate numbers because we are soulwinners and we make definite plans to reach real people. 

Just like the languages: There were more than 700 languages short of the real numbers. That's a lot. 

They did a bit of update recently but we found more. So they are still behind.

When I said that we should reach 7Bn people, we are working out.....

There are more than 10bn people on the earth. These numbers are showing up because we are reaching out. 

As at now, we cover the world more than any other organization: Government or non-government. We are working hard enough to come up with all the details because we have to win real people to Jesus Christ. 

Some cities have reviewed their numbers the millions. 

The other thing I mentioned about the MRNA vaccines. Don't be deceived if the globalists and their allies in the health industry lie to you that it's okay to take the vaccines. 

In New Zealand, many of their officials and celebrities were given 'Vaccine exemptions' and Placebos. 

Meanwhile they asked the government to mandate people to take the vaccines that they were shielded from.

Recently, they gave a Nobel prize to the co-inventor of the mRNA vaccines that have killed more people than ever people. 

These injuries were intended. They gave them what they wanted, that's why they gave him an award. 

Among OACD countries...In New Zealand, Chile etc (countries with the highest vaccinations.91%), have excess deaths of 12% above the 5 year historical average. 

You can tell why they are hiding it and why they don't want people to know. 

The least vaccinated countries had 63% vaccinations, and their excess death record is 0%. 

Remember that the vaccines that were sent to some places were different from those sent to other places. 

African countries didn't get hit as much. 

The real evidence shows that there's more death among the vaccinated. 

The vaccine killed five times more people than the disease itself. 

And with all of this evidence they still have the guts to tell people to get vaccinated. 

The mRNA vaccines were not originally provided for human beings. Those who wanted to cut down the population decided to use it useful for their cause. 

So when you speak against the vaccine, they say it's Misinformation. 

In all those agreements with the various nations, why don't they bear responsibility for the vaccine injuries? They don't want it. 

The mRNA vaccine stays in the body. It cannot leave. It's not localized in the are where the Jab is done. Recent reports show that mRNA was found in breast milk. How come? This is terrible. 

These perpetrators will soon know that power belongs to God. They will soon know that the position they occupy today is not permanent. There were others before them and there will be others after them.

The only one who is permanent is Jesus Christ. 

I was particularly glad that the Lord guided us to fast and pray today because just last night after we were done I realized that there had bene a call by the Hamas leader to show vengeance all over the world. But we fasted today. In The spirit wer were doing something. So Instead of having deaths around the world, there was peace. 

Yesterday, we talked about Enlightenment. 

We are the ones enlightened and not the illuminati.  We are the ones illuminating the world.

We are luminous. 

They sound like illumi-nothing!

Ephesians 1:17 KJV, AMPC

The apostle shows us how to pray for those just coming into Christ. 

God has given us insight into mysteries and secrets. 

Say that everyday about yourself when you pray. For a number of days and weeks, you will discover a remarkable things happening to your spirit. 

"God has granted me insight into mysteries and secrets"

Words are so important.

1 Corinthians 2:12-13

We speak the things that are freely given to us of God. 

How do we pray for peace in the nations? What are we supposed to say? Well, Jesus taught us. 

Luke 10:5-6

When you enter a house, SAY 'PEACE BE UPON THIS HOUSE'. In the same way when you pray for your country, you say ,"Peace be upon Nigeria, Ghana etc"

I speak Peace to your country in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Remember His peace always comes bonded with prosperity. 

We are not going empty or speaking empty words. He gave us his peace. Wherever we go, we carry his peace with us by the power of the Holy ghost. 

We have been given peace by the prince of peace.

We can be at peace even if the whole world is in trouble. 

Look at the scriptures, did you do what you were supposed to do?

Genesis 4:1-7

V7:  This verse has been a problem to many theologians and commentators. It doesn't have to be read like this. Read it in the Septuagint. 

"Hast thou not sinned if thou hast brought it rightly, but not rightly divided it? Be still, to thee shall be his submission, and thou shalt rule over him"

Abel divided rightly. Abel brought his firstlings. 

Abel brought the first born of his sheep and the fatlings.

V3: Cains own was general. He brought of the first tithe. He joined everything together and decided what he was going to give to God. 

He brought it with a good heart but he had not correctly divided it. 

V7: God was telling Cain, "Your brother is not being placed above you..."

But verse 8 happened after God had told him there was no problem between He and Abel.

Cains sin was very simple. 

He offered rightly but did not divide rightly. 

Ananias and Saphira  "kept back". Why did they keep back some?

Study to show yourself approved of God,  A workman that needs not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.

Ephesians 1:18 AMPC

Having the eyes of your heart/spirit illuminated with light. 

When your spirit is illuminated, you can know and understand the hope to which he has called you. Your Christianity is no longer a blind walk. It's a walk of hope. You know you have a future and you can understand the future. This enlightenment brings you an understanding of the richness of the glory of his inheritance.

It takes the holy ghost to make you walk in the light of the glory of the inheritance of the saints. 

Remember the words that Jesus spoke. 

Matthew 12:34

Recently, some of the politicians in the US (Mike Pence, Ron Desantis and GOP leaders were very angry with Trump because he said the Hamas leaders were smart. They were upset that he called such terrible people smart)

What did Trump do wrong? Jesus said the same thing. If you don't know that your enemies are smart, how can you outsmart them.

Genesis 3 says that the serpent was more sagacious than other animals. 

Jesus called these people a generation of vipers: a brood of snakes and serpents. 

Yet he told us "Be ye wise as serpents and harmless as doves". 

If you don't know the truth, you will be misled by their thinking. 

Think "Kingdom thinking". 

V34-35: how can ye being evil SPEAK GOOD THINGS?

The technicality of Jesus communication is outstanding. Speaking good things.... Bringing forth good things. 

"Keep saying it. Don't stop talking it". 

You want to bring good things into your city or country, you've got to talk!!!

Same thing with your health. 

What was the condition of your spirit that allowed such sickness to come to you in the first place? After you were healed, did the condition of your spirit change? 

You must change the inside. You must change the condition of your spirit. 

Through knowledge shall the just be delivered. 

God said 'My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge '.

Without knowledge, you can't pray right, you can't apply love the right way. 

You need the knowledge of God: Epignosis - The accurate knowledge of God. 

A knowledge that related to that which is known.

It is knowing God accurately. No speculations, no conjectures. 

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 

Truth is absolute. 

If you study the word and you don't know how to apply it, it's not okay. 

V36-37: We are not supposed to speak idle words: Useless, powerless words.

For those who are always Joking, your life almost turns out to be a joke. 

Say only what you mean. The bible says you will give account of your idle words.

Speak good things about your health, your body, about the condition of your blood, skin, bones, organs. Speak good things 

Prayer for the next 15 mins.


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