Leave your anger; it does more harm to you than the person you are angry with! Most people see the worst in others- they see them through the eyes of their own anger, fear and limitation. Look for the best in others. See through the eyes of understanding. I'm not suggesting that you are naive and you don't confront reality. The Word of God is reality.
Don't make their mistake their identity and impute a negative intent on them. Be patient with people, we don't all understand things the same way at the same time. And here's the payoff for you: as you seek out the good in people, not only will they show up fully for you, but you will see more good in your world.
Someone may still talk about the old you because they do not have access to the new you. Hold the key. Don't give them permission to define you by your past life or mistakes. Keep it shut from toxic people. You know yourself better more than anyone else. Their labels and judgement are nothing when God knows your value and worth.... click on the link below to study yesterday's Daily juice
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