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Because of God’s plan for this year lots of people all over the world will be coming to Christ this year. Many will receive salvation and of course receive the Holy Spirit to live in them. 

The bible shows us that when God wants to do amazing things in a community, a nation and in the world, he gets chosen women.

This month of February…

You have to understand that in a year like this with what the Lord has planned,d how you begin matters. Your January, February and maybe into March, the first quarter of the year, you have to plan in such a way that your foundation is very strong for the year. 

You have to work with the spirit of God to plan your trajectory. You can’t afford to let things go as circumstances may channel them. 

You have to corporate with the Holy Spirit to make your year what God has determined. 

Every year people make choices and plans they even make resolutions. They say this year I’ll do xyz, they set goals but how many at the end of the year realise the goals?

How many are actually successful in their plans?

A lot of times many don’t achieve what they set themselves to achieve form the beginning of the year. 

They look at the year with great hopes but then fail to do the things that should

 Be done for those visions to come to pass. 

Many times they don’t even know what to do. They’re not sure. Prayer is just one part of it but prayer alone will not make it happen. There are things in the word of God that are shown to us 

When a year is before us, many say, you don’t know what the year holds. That there are details you don’t know, but if you study God’s word and follow him, he tells you what’s going to happen.  And he leads and guides you........ click on the link below to study the message: Our Completeness in Him by Pastor Chris 


The knowledge of God’s word is important. 

I’ll share with you very vital things from God’s word concerning the message of this month. 

We’ve had in 2020, one of the months of 2020, with the same title. But a huge difference in the fact that you’re operating at a higher level than before. 

This month of February is the month of Wisdom. That’s what the Holy Ghost is saying. 


But what is wisdom?

I’ve through the years looked at several dictionaries and of course I’ve heard different speakers say something about wisdom but the greatest philosophers of the world and the best dictionaries cannot define wisdom. They don’t know what it is. 

They use all kinds of words cause they don’t know what it is. 

So I can say to you that all the best definitions you might find in the best dictionaries of the world don’t define wisdom. Cause they don’t know what it is. That’s no surprise. 

To know what wisdom is you have to know the word of God. 

It comes from God. No school gives wisdom. Not enough professors of the world can deliver wisdom to you. The best they have is assumptions and yet I can give you the definition of wisdom in 3 words. 

In three words and with those three words you can understand why they don’t know it. 

💡Wisdom is insight into reality. 

The reason they can’t define that, is the subject of reality. They get into trouble cause they don’t understand what reality is. 

Reality is a synonym of the word, truth. 

So you might as well say wisdom is insight into truth. Then they’ve got a problem . What is truth?

Not even Pilate could understand that. 

Jesus said I was born to bear witness to the truth. Pilate said what is truth. 

But Jesus gave the answer. I am the way, the truth and the life. That’s so beautiful. You want to understand more about wisdom. 

The bible tells us that God gave a man in this world wisdom such like he never gave anybody. Solomon was given such wisdom that no one had before him. And no one had it until Jesus. 

1 kings 4:29

From the septuagent, you’d understand he gave Sophia and…

Then there’s the other which many don’t understand. The largeness of heart. 

There he’s talking about an extraordinary amplitude of sagacity. And in the Greek he’s referring to the word which is for wise in terms of comprehension. That’s where you get sunesis from. Sunesis - understanding. 

Ephesians 1:8

The word translated wisdom her is Sophia 

The word prudence is the word phronesis. 

And phronesis is a kind of wisdom. They call it practical wisdom. But I’ll explain a little more about that. If you want to see more about it go to Luke 1:17.

The word wisdom here is phronesis. That is the wisdom of the righteous. 

So it’s a special kind of wisdom. 

John’s description of this wisdom is …

3 John 1:1-4

This a talking about Gaius. 

This is practical wisdom. Walking in the truth. 

Wisdom is insight into reality and that insight into reality is Sophia. That’s wisdom. 

But practical wisdom is walking in the truth. Walking in the reality. So John is breaking down for you the meaning of phronesis. 

Wisdom is so important. 

You’re going to have to appreciate wisdom in a new light this month 

Luke 2:52-

The bible tells us about Jesus here. 

The previous verses ….

He was growing physically from being a Little boy and as he grew he also increased in wisdom. 

How many people actually increase in wisdom as they grow. Sometimes you find a 60 year old man talking like he’s 22. His wisdom never increased. He’s carried along his foolishness. 

The bible says foolishness is bound in the heart of a child and it takes the rod of correction to drive it out of him. But maybe no one corrected him. 

This month you’re going to think differently. 

And something else that happens to many that even after they become Christians, sometimes even as ministers, they corrupt their wisdom. And this is a tragedy. 

You have to be warned. Someone’s got to talk to you from the word of God. 

Ezekiel 28:14,17

Here God’s speaking through the prophet Ezekiel and he’s addressing Satan. 

What’s iniquity? Iniquity is wickedness. Darkness. Injustice. Gross injustice. 

There are different kinds of sins. They’re classified in the word of God. So when you see a term like this in the Bible it’s good to understand what’s being referred to. KJV does here. 

Iniquity. Objectionable behaviour. 

So something objectionable was found in lucifer before he became a devil. 

Why did that happen?

He was anointed and by the anointing he had the power to do what he chose to do. 

But he chose to do what was wrong. 

Verse 17

He was so beautiful, all the precious stones or most were used as his decor and covering when God created him. This was the most beautiful thing and he knew it. 

So much splendour he corrupted his wisdom. 

You can corrupt your wisdom you can be someone reported for wisdom and you corrupt it. That your wisdom becomes abominable to God cause it’s corrupted. 

You are a Christian so Christ is made wisdom unto you but you keep telling lies. 

Telling lies corrupts your wisdom. 

What does it mean for wisdom to be corrupted

It means the wisdom working through you will get you into trouble. It’s corrupted. It’s not trustworthy. The wisdom coming from you is not trustworthy. That means your counsel should not be followed. It means others should be careful about listening to you cause your wisdom is corrupted. It’s got a problem. 

So you’re not only misleading yourself but others as well, those who follow you. And you function in corrupted wisdom 

So you’ve seen in the scripture things about Satan, how he tempts, how he may tell something that seems to be true but is misleading. He quotes scripture, takes something out or puts something in, misappplies it in the wrong context. Cause his wisdom is corrupted. 

💡Don’t corrupt the wisdom God has given you otherwise it’d destroy you. 

This is the month of wisdom and you want to walk in the wisdom of God that is uncorrupted, unmarred and solid.

You can increase in wisdom. The Bible tells us how we should grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18

Grow in grace. 

So are you growing in grace?

Can you see that in your life. 

He said and in the knowledge. Knowing the Lord. 

You’ve got to make up your mind to learn more about the Lord from the scriptures. Come to the house of God 

💡If you don’t delight yourself in the things of God you’ll be losing so much. 

💡By increasing wisdom in your life the glory of God in your life will increase. 

Each one of us has a certain amount of glory. 

1 Corinthians 15:41

Remember Jesus is called the sun of righteousness. And we are the stars. We’re God’s stars. 

He’s the sun and we’re stars of righteousness. 

One star differs from another star in glory. 

⁉️What’s the glory of your life like?

1 Corinthians 2:6-7

The more you speak wisdom, the greater the glory of your life. 

You want the glory of your life to increase then you have to talk wisdom. 

But you can’t talk wisdom if you’re not meditating on God’s word. 

You can’t talk wisdom with babies. 

You’ve got to learn to fellowship with the mature where you can talk the right language. 

The more we talk it the more glorious we are. 

He ordained that mystery unto our glory. That we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery. 

💡You’ve got to sanctify your tongue. 

If you’ve got to do that, you have to sanctify your heart and your mind. 

If your heart and mind are working right, you won’t have any problem with your tongue. But if your heart and mind aren’t working right, you will have a problem with your tongue. 

If your mind works like how the world thinks. Selfishness and greed then of course your tongue is going to go in the wrong direction, destroying your life and corrupting your wisdom. 

Proverbs 4:7-9

People get a lot of things but how many acquire understanding?

They don’t care to understand the word of God. They may go to church and listen but not understand and instead of going back home to study to understand, they don’t care. 

💡You want promotion then get excited about wisdom and talk wisdom. 

If you talk wisdom, she’ll bring you to honour and give you more glory in your life. 

There are people who are very intelligent.

They know themselves they are very intelligent and smart. But truly they’re fools. Cause they trust in their mental comprehension and erudition. The Bible says they’re foolish. 

They believe in their smartness case they’ve outsmarted others before but they don’t understand the difference between intellectual ability and wisdom. 

Wisdom is insight into reality. And the only way you know reality is by revelation. Supernatural perception. Not your application of your mentality or sense.  

1 Corinthians 10:12

God says they’re not wise. They think they are.

💡Wisdom will bring you to a place of honour and put a crown of glory on your head. 

💡So this month of February, delight yourself in the Lord. 

You’ve got to do it. Get excited about the things of God. 

Psalm 37:4

Then you won’t have to be asking for the desires of your heart. Because he delights in you. The Lord rejoices over you to do you good. So he’s excited about you and he wants you to be excited about him too. 

And because he’s the big one, he’ll just do big things for you. 

Your testimonies will be endless. 

Isaiah 58:14-

The heritage of Jacob is absolute prosperity. 

He got everything including the inheritance that was willed to Abraham and his seed. That is the whole world. 

The whole world was given to one man in possession. God actually did that. 

One man that has an eternal C of O for the whole world. There’s a document to that effect. There’s only one person who has a document that cannot be changed cause the copy is all over the world. 

God willed the world to Abraham and his seed. 

It’s written in the book. It can’t be changed. Invaluable. 

So all those talking, the globalists are talking nonsense.

That seed is Christ. 

His seed is the church. 

And once the church was established, the global power of the day began to decline. 

As the church grew, the Roman Empire declined. And by the 4th century, it was brought down completely. And the church continues, even though even that empire had tried to annihilate the church. It will never happen. 

Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end. There shall be no end. 

And so the church continued to grow. And to grow. And has destroyed every force that stood against it. In every generation. And our generation is no different. 

Make no mistakes about it. That's why when the W.H.O. and Bill Gates and their cronies came on TV. And they got the media of the world and told them that the church gatherings will not return. I thought, do they know what they're talking about? 

This is not a baby church. We've come a long way. Well, the rest is history. 

So, the church is growing. And it's growing all over the world. Growing. Growing. Where is the church going?

This is Papa's land. Don't forget it. He gave it to Abraham and his seed. And the Bible says if we belong to Christ, then are we Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. 

 Jesus said, as long as I'm in the world, I'm the light of the world. And then, he set us in his place and ascended to heaven. 

And until we ascend, as long as we are in the world, we are the light of the world. 

So, we continue to shine ever more brightly until the sounding of the trumpet. 

And when the trumpet sounds, the dead in Christ shall rise first. And we that are alive and remain shall come out together with them. And so shall we ever be with the Lord. Blessed be the Lord. 

💡So this month, walk in wisdom. Absolute wisdom. Refuse to corrupt your wisdom. Walk in the truth. Fill your heart with truth.


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