_There are many roles you may play in life, but you know there is one role you must play: to be yourself and fulfill God's destiny for your life. Sometimes, to change your life, you may have to change your priority; excellence is not a skill, it is an attitude. Don't allow someone's opinion of you become your reality or let a bad situation turn you into what you are not. God is in the business of raising you up so that you live a life of greatness, and with the expectation that you will in turn, help to elevate others. One day, there'll be a comparison between the life that God drew up for you, the life He ordained for you, and what you eventually turned out to be; how you eventually lived. And our reward will be in line with how the life we lived measured up to the life He drew up for us. The most important thing in life is to live in line with God's purpose._
- Attended Edo College for primary and secondary education. - Studied Architecture at Ambrose Ali University (formerly known as Bendel State University) on a scholarship. - Graduated in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science in Architecture. - Honorary Doctorate in Divinity from Benson Idahosa University. - Honorary Doctor of Science from Ambrose Alli University (AAU). - Honorary Doctor of Science from Igbinedion University (now known as Igbinedion University), Okada, Edo State, which also features a teaching hospital renamed after him. - Recently conferred as the university Chancellor and Head of Government/Chairman of Weldios University in the Republic of Benin. - Recognized as a Professor of theology and divinity due to his contributions to the field of theology and his leadership of Christ Embassy and Loveworld Incorporated. - He is a prolific writer and author who has written hundreds of books and devotionals, including the Rhapsody of Realities. - His sermons, prayers, and thoughtful re...
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