Pastor Chris
Saturday, June 18th, 2022
THERE’S GOOD IN YOU (Bring Forth Good Things From Your Spirit)
Proverbs 4:23
“ Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.”
In Matthew 12:35, Jesus said, “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things…”; this is like what we just read in our opening verse above. The things that happen in your life come from your spirit and not from around you. Hence it’s important you learn to live from your spirit and bring forth good things out of the good treasures of your heart.
The kind and quality of life you live as a Christian aren’t dependent on external factors such as the social and economic circumstances of the world around you but on the state of your spirit and the content and quality of your mind. This is why you must inundate your spirit with the Word: have a voracious appetite for the Word.
Your health, prosperity, success, and all other good things you could ever desire are embedded in the Word of God. So, with the Word in your spirit, all you have to do is bring forth these good things from within you through your faith-filled confessions. The Bible says in Matthew 12:34: “...For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” In other words, when you fill your heart with God’s Word, your mouth will of a necessity speak it forth.
This is how you saturate your life with the blessings of God. Therefore, to have your needs met, don’t look up to any person. Don’t even look up to heaven, expecting the blessing to come from there. Look inward! God has placed within you everything you require for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). Whatever good thing you require, bring it forth from your spirit. It’s all inside you!
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Proverbs 4:20-22; Ecclesiastes 3:11
Dear Father, thank you for your Word and the boundless benefits and transformation it brings to me daily. I’m renewed, refreshed and positioned for the glorious life through your Word and the power of your Spirit at work in me today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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Acts 7:54 - 8:1-8, 2 Chronicles 31-32
Luke 2:8-20, Deuteronomy 16
Spend quality time imagining and seeing the good stuff that God has laid up in your spirit.
✍️My Notes
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