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Opening Prayer by Highly Esteemed Pastor Kay Adeshina


I want to welcome you to season 9, phase 6, Day 1. 

I've been looking forward to this especially because we are going to have some time to pray. When we pray we receive answers. 

For us every opportunity to pray, is an opportunity to get answers because our God hears and answers prayers. 

Acts 4:17-

After Acts 3, there was some trouble. The leaders of the Jews were angry with the disciples. 

The disciples refused to listen to them. 


From Acts 2, lots of people had already received salvation. Three thousand souls had been added to them

 With the miracle in chapter 3, more people received salvation. 

 But in verse 23 here, they prayed all the way to verse 31 

V32- a multitude had believed. God's people got together and they prayed. 

When they prayed, they were filled with the holy ghost. 

God's spirit is God's answer.

Being filled with the holy Spirit, they spake the word of God with boldness. God hears and answers when we pray. 

V29- after they praised God they made their request to God. They requested for Boldness to speak the word.

They asked God to stretch forth his hand to heal. 

God did not stretch his hand..

Instead, they were filled with the holy ghost. 

It is the spirit that makes us bold. 

Acts 5:12

It was their hands that were needed. The signs and wonders they asked God to perform, were done by the hands of the apostles. 

Acts 4V33

We are no different from the early church in power. We have the same power of the holy ghost. 

Grace can be given in different grades. 

The Bible says "He giveth more grace". So you can receive more grace. 

Here, Great Grace was upon them all. 

If they needed GREAT GRACE to begin the church, how much Grace do you think we will require for the world in which we live? A whole lot more. 

I am convinced he has given us a whole lot more grace than He gave to them.

The knowledge of God also comes by grace.

They knew less than we do today 

That's because God has given us more grace than they had. This is something for us to bear in mind. All this is because of the world in which we live. We can't let our world go in the direction Satan wants it to go.

We won't let it. 

There are a number of things we will look at beginning tonight. 

Ephesians 6:12, Colossians 1:12-16

Everything that God created in the beginning was Good. 

Whether they be thrones or dominions...good

Principalities and powers.....good

But then came Satan's rebellion. 

V13: God delivered us from the domain of darkness into the Kingdom of his love son. He delivered us from the dark place of evil.

Ephesians 6:12

That dark place of evil has a Shadow government. The rulers have a structure. He delivered us from their Jurisdiction. 

Truth is, we don't belong in their Jurisdiction. 

We are at war against them.

Like God has a structure, they have a shadow structure. They've got corresponding officers to God's structure. 

E.g. 1 Chronicles 21:16-18 ... When David ordered a Census, God was angry with him and gave him three options for his punishment. 

David chose one which meant a lot of people would die. God had to send a Judgement angel that controlled pestilences. 

David and the elders looked up and saw the Angel. The Angel knows they can see him. But the angel does not talk to David; He talks to Gad, the prophet.


(Acts 9:

Saul of Tarsus was on his way to Damascus to arrest as many Christians as he could find. The Lord called him out of Heaven. There was a dialogue with the Lord. Saul goes to the city after being blinded by the glory of the Light. 

The Lord talks to Ananias and sends him with a message to Saul.

God did it in the old testament, And in the new testament...and he is still doing it. )

Revelation 7:1

There were 4 angels responsible for the winds.

Revelation 14: 18

This is a fire angel. 

Rev 16:4-5

This angel was doing something to the water. 

So, there is a divine structure 

Satan has a Shadow government. 

Tomorrow, I will show you the work of the WEF and United Nations. What they are trying to do with water and air.

God has his angels who are in charge of the winds water and even fire.

So, when you see what God has in his structure, Better look. Satan has his own Cabinet. 

Those evil spirits of darkness control what evil men do. They control the things that are done in this world except when we forbid them. 

The things that happen in this world don't happen by themselves or by chance. The physical world is controlled by the spiritual n

Since 2020 we have been keeping them under control and we will continue. We are not going to let them do the terrible things they've been doing 

Ephesians 6:13

God doesn't give us a chance for failure. He shows us how to be absolutely victorious against them. Completely!

Colossians 1:15-18

Jesus is the head of the body; the church. He is the first born from among the dead. 

He became sin for us, who knew no sin. He died. He is the first to come out of spiritual death.

Ephesians 1:19-22 NLT.

God made Christ head over all things, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CHURCH.

1 Corinthians 12:26-27 NLT

Each one of us is a separate and necessary part of the church. 

Much is going on in our world. 

First week of this month, we fasted and prayed for the first seven days. 

I told you it was necessary because of the things inside this second half. Thank God that we did. 

Just a short while ago, I told you to pray for President Trump of the United States. Look what happened this past weekend. 

There is so much to say about that but, I will wait so everyone can deny any involvement and make it the young crooks responsibility.

It is very foolish to believe that that boy was so smart and outsmarted all the security details and the police. 

Those are the things we are praying about. The effort to eliminate certain people. 

But the wicked don't understand that life is not in their hands. 

They somehow believe that they can do what they like.

If they could, then everything they planned for Covid would have happened. But it's not in their hands. 

That's why I'm excited that we prayed and fasted those seven days.

But the prayers we will pray these three days are strategically planned by God. 

As we pray, there are things in the spirit realm that will be neutralized. 

Tonight, we are going to pray in the spirit and we will control Satan's shadow government. 

We don't belong in their Jurisdiction so they can't control us. 

Joshua 10:8

The word of God lives on 

We are in those shoes now... That word is for us. 

Fear them not.. there shall not a man of them stand before you.

It doesn't matter how wicked they are. 

We belong where Joshua is. They belong to the other part. 

Everyone has a place in the word of God. 

If they don't know their place, we will tell them.

2 Thessalonians 2: 6-7 AMPC, NIV

There is an appointed time. 

What they want to do is have the antichrist world before their time.

Their appointed time is not the time with the church. They cannot have their chance now. 

Until we are raptured out of this world, we will continue to restrain him. 

The spirit of truth, the holy ghost, is still in this world, so this world will not be covered by deception 

After we are gone, the whole world will be deceived.

These three days are very significant in the realm of the spirit. 

Thereare some specific things that the Holy Ghost wants to address through us in these three days, beginning tonight. 

We are declaring that Satan is restricted. He cannot carry out what actions he chooses. His activities are restricted. We know our place as God's people. He is not allowed to take over the nations. 

(What is NATO doing in Jordan???)

They are restrained. 

Their efforts shall be as those groping in the dark. 

(Prayer session)


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