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Opening Prayers by Highly Esteemed Pastor Deola Phillips 

(Documentary: The Evil Trinity)


Think what you just heard. That guy is one of their experts. He said one to two billion people. 

Let's suppose we accept what he just said as their standard for the world, what are they going to do to all the other billions of people in the world since they say the earth can only support 2 billion people. 

What about the rest? Wellz that's what the WHO, WEF and UN is for and their global future councils...

I'm going to show you a few of their predictions/plans. They are not predictions. They are things they work on.

Have you read the UNs Habitat one? It says everything.

I want to give you a background for our discussion tonight. 

Welcome to Day 2, Season 9, phase 6.

Daniel 4:

We are going to take a look at Nebuchadnezzar's dream. In this dream, God showed him the future and gave him a warning. Eventually, Daniel the prophet, gave him the interpretation. 

Dan 4:13-17

A watcher- That's an angel

V17- He makes reference to other watchers. 

Sometimes, the basset of men can be the President. ..

Deut 32:8- ESV

The term "Sons of God" refers to Angels. 

(KJV says "children of Israel and that's inaccurate)

It's talking about angels being appointed as watchers over the nations.

The Lord appointed for himself to watch over Israel and got a special angel (Michael) over it. 

God set up a divine heavenly structure over the earth. Satan also has his shadow government with the principalities of evil and what they do.

During Covid, The Lord told us the Prince of Assyria was at work. Satan set up that global empire headed by the Prince of Assyria. 

In Scripture, we see when God to the Human leader of Assyria and when he talks to the spiritual prince of Assyria.

Isaiah 10: 1-2

God knows that men make unjust laws and they are used for certain purposes; robbing the poor.

Unrighteous laws for the purpose of injustice and robbery.

This is the weaponization of the Justice system. God is not in support of such things. 

We are not victims. We are victors. 


He speaks of this evil principality and reveals his plan to us. What this prince of evil said in his heart. 

Why do you think many nations are going through this today? With the doctrine of replacement in which they bring other people to repopulate nations and cities. You are seeing that in Europe, United States etc. 

That's just one of the plans, not the ultimate plan

During Covid, how many nations gave up so much. They pledged with their sovereign assets just to get vaccines. 

Look at the vaccine injury issues coming up all around the world which the media collaborators are hiding. 

In 2020, where were the presidents and prime ministers of nations. They were hiding, putting on masks...subdued. 

The Prince of Assyria is an evil principality. 

Ephesians 6:12

This is happening in the spirit realm. 

Isaiah 10:13

We saw all this happen in 2020-2022.

They had no clue what they were doing because they were being controlled form the realm of the spirit. That's why we had to do our part in the realm of the spirit and dislodge them. I told you the vaccine mandates would come to nothing. And it did. 

We knew exactly what to do in the spirit. 

Otherwise, they had instituted a world of fear and darkness which is what they like. They come with sweet presentations. 

V14: See how many nations are in poverty, want and penury today. They lost so much. They paid so much for nothing. Now they are in poverty. You saw what happened to Sri Lanka in that video. 

They advertised that Sri Lanka was a model nation followinf their ESG system. Suddenly Sri Lanka went to Financial Abyss. Then what did WEF do? they removed it from their website. 

Look at what they are doing to Kenya now.

Did they know that Demons went to Haiti? Those were the works of Demons. 

They were invited to Haiti... Those demons followed them back to Kenya and created those horrible things in Kenya. It was not about the protesters at all.

What pushed the President and Parliament do the things they did?

Same way David was pushed to number Israel. He didn't know what he was doing even though he was a good man. 

Sometimes you see Bad things happen to good people especially if they are not listening 

But if you are listening, you have to respond. 

You that in the nation, pray for the nation otherwise, the nation will be destroyed. The leaders will say wrong things and do wrong things and most times, the people will over react when they are being pushed. 

It's pays to listen to God's word. 

He told us we don't wrestle against flesh and blood. 

When you look at the plans of the WEF supported by the UN organization and WHO, 

The UN organization is not for peace. Peace is silent in the corner; not allowed to speak.

I told you about the Ukraine war. 

First, the weakening of Nation states, making them fall and fail in their efforts to provide services for their population thus more people switch to the private companies that can donsom

The WEF describes fresh water and fresh air as a precious commodity to be sold. .

In a country they said water from all sources belong to the "Public" which means the government. What about rain? So they can regulate how much water you can take. 

This leads to more tension and polarization on societies. Widening the gap between rich and poor...more and more refugee camps come up.  And the refugee camps become permanent. (Ask African countries). Young people born in the camps form hostile gangs. This is the purpose. 

They are telling us their plans for this world for 2030. 

Klaus Schwab said to make it 2025 because he wants to see these things happen before he dies. So, they are working hard to make the world like this. 

"A shrinking class of taxpayers demands protection and accepts a more authoritarian rule to demand protection"... They are looking at poor people in the cities who have been dispossessed as being in refugee camps. 

Watch organizations like Ecowas, etc. 

People get more and more suspicious of Breton wood institutions like IMF and World Bank.

Companies lose their independence as interregional trade is reduced. 

Global trade falls. Major economies stagnate

They want to make the world a place of absolute restlessness until the world is ready for a one world government by force.  This is following Albert Pikes recommendations.

There is an intention to bring the world into a complete moral, physical spiritual and economical exhaustion. 

Leading to Absolute atheism. 

And leading to the worship of Lucifer. 

From all sides.... restlessness.

No wonder Jesus said "Cheer up, I have overcome the world". We have peace even when they don't have it. 

We are very much at rest. 

All of that is about the enthronement of Lucifer as their King.

They expect Christians to become disillusioned and without Compass. 

We are not of them that perish. We don't draw back or give in. We don't get deeated. We have only one journey. Upward and forward. 

In Christianity, we are a nation. 

A peculiar people, a holy nation.

2 Corinthians 5:17

A new creature:  James 1:18

We are a new species. A new kind. A new type. First fruits refer to the first and the best. Top class. 

He calls us a type... The first fruit of his creatures. This new creation. .

This is where you have to see yourself as a child of God. This is who you are now. 

Colossians 2:6

You've been brought into a new environment called Christ.

So walk in this light. Every Christian needs to be taught the word of God. 

When you discover real Christianity, you discover it's not a religion.

Religion is man's work to try to please God. 

But there is a relationship before you think of pleasing him

Christianity begins with that relationship. 

It is divinity revealed in Humanity. .it is Christ alive in you. You don't live by blood but by the spirit. 

That's why he told us, we cannot have an infection or he poisoned. 

If you haven't understood this thing, you will look at your experience and say "but I had an infection the other day". That's the baby Christian stage.

This is a reality. The more you learn, the more this life is manifested.

It doesn't happen just because you've been a Christian for long. It's the practice of the word of God. You can't ignore the word of God and grow; it's not possible. You have to study you have to fellowship with the spirit and God's people that he sets around you. 

Your spirit will become Stalwart and rugged in the things of God.

Remember, Klaus Schwab envisaged by 2025 that there will be no more elections. The leaders are to be picked by WEF (because of the Albert Pike Plan)

No one will be talking about Human rights anymore; it takes a back seat. 

They expect that with all the trouble they bring to the world, the people will just want peace at any cost. 

Dispossession of Property (including cars). 

There is a movement that campaigns for open space. Car free days etc. They re recommending that the best form of transportation is walking. 

Achieving COtopia-: Clean air is for sale. Payment for air will come in from of taxes.

24 hour surveillance from your phone and microchip implant. 

The phone will be able to recognize your behavior. Your phone will tell you you are not feeling well..and send a message to the authorities that you are not feeling well. Digital phenotyping. .

The first to achieve that success currently is the Apple iPhone. They can monitor you successfully. 

Mandatory peace and Harmony through sharing of everything. They believe that if we share everything and have nothing privately we will have peace. 

Humans will learn to live as Cyborgs at an early age. They will enhace human life with technology and mechanical devices so as to do more than the average human. An enhancement that dehumanizes you.

Blockchain healthcare technology. Very related to the one about the phone with the Internet of things.

Economic policies to move beyond GDP. 

(Already, the use of the GDP is a fraud)

The ESG rating and scores for countries are also a fraud. 

This is their plan. 


Looking at what they plan as they future they expect us to move is unacceptable because it is based on the Prince of Assyria's strategy. 

Our complete NO is what we are sounding in the spirit 

We will ask those spirits to depart from Kenya. 

Things can be resolved.

Leaders are being misled to accept policies that are destroying their country. 

If you destroy your country, what do you have left?

Look at what happened in Israel. .when the Assyrians took them away they replaced their cities with people from other nations. That's why they had Samaritans. So they became an impure breed. In the process of time, they couldn't tell who were truly from Israel. 

After Jesus death and Resurrection, He told the disciples to preach everywhere: Judea, Samaria and the uppermost parts of the earth. 

Immigration is bad for nations. It leads to security problems...and they cannot sustain economically. How do you plan when you don't know how many people are in your country?

As we pray we decree that these plans are not acceptable to us. 

As we release those words, God angels get into action. They see to it that only those things that we say should be, will be. We will declare that Satan will not have his way in our nations. They will not be able to subjugate Presidents and prime ministers to this by the power of the Holy Ghost. 

We are frustrating these plans in the spirit

 They shall not be. Not in this time

We are restrainers. 



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