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I want to welcome you to this special global communion service for this month of August. Thank God for all the blessings that we received and enjoyed in the month of July, the month of Joy. But this is going to be even more Joy. 


Listening to this and trying to balance my emotions... To think that so many people were killed because of Dr. Fauci's pandemic protocols which he now claims came from the CDC. To think that what they did and blamed COVID-19 for it... That more people were killed by their protocols include, of course, the mandatory vaccines which they attempted. They killed too many people. And many have been maimed and are sick today by those vaccines. 

Why isn't there something being done about this? Because the wicked people who prosecuted this wickedness are still in office. 

But one day, God will. 

They will not be in office forever. 

Their days are numbered. 

They knew from the beginning that everything they were doing was not science. They were pseudoscientists. 

I showed you from the Bible. God's word covers everything.

The perpetrators of evil are good students of history.

Think of the recent "earth for all conference" by the Club of Rome. Now they say they have a new vision for Austria. But is this about Austria? Or do they plan to carry out something on a large scale. 

Years ago, they released a report on the limits to health... Now they've come up with another document building on that

The Club of Rome was formed in 1968 while the WEF was formed in 1971. The membership is well selected. The WEF is just the Club of Rome on Steroids. 

Their concept is a Giant Leap forward for Sustainability. 

When they use terminologies, they know what they are saying. 

A giant leap forward is a clear description of Chairman Mao Zedongs great leap forward collectivization policy. 

What was the result of that policy?

It led to the death of more than 45 million people in China. 

Did they really leap forward? No.

That leap twas based on extreme socialist ideas which are the same ideas for the Club of Rome and the WEF.

Their conclusion: "The enemy then is Humanity itself"

The UN SEC Gen has also been saying this much. The end game is population reduction.

These are psychopaths

Our world has good and evil.

When evil men are in power, men hide themselves. But when Good men are in power, the people rejoice. 

We do have a responsibility. When God told us to pray, he didn't tell us to pray religious prayers. We pray with knowledge and understanding. When we see things like these, don't be deceived again. 

Many were deceived during Covid. 

These guys created a Common enemy (Covid)

Sometimes it's difficult for us to think that the man next to us can be so evil or wicked. It's difficult for a patient to concieve that the Doctor treating him may be his murderer. But we have Dr. Death stories in various stories..real murderers. 

To think that the one that is supposed to be protecting you will be the murderer.

The Bible tells us we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world. Against spiritual wickedness in high places. 

Ephesians 6:12

Look beyond the man who is flesh and blood. 

Look beyond Dr. Fauci

Look beyond Klaus Schwab 

What's motivating them? What's the voice behind them that gets them to do these things?

The principalities are the lowest of them, next ones are powers- spiritual entities. Next one is the rulers of the darkness of this world. These are satanic personalities; angelic beings. Rulers of the dark world. So they can control people in that world. 

Spiritual wickedness in high places. Think about how wicked they could be to be described this way.

Colossians 1:12

We were transferred from the Jurisdiction of darkness into the Kingdom of God's love son. 

We belong in His Kingdom now. We are not under the authority of those rulers of the darkness of this world. We don't belong under their influence. 

We have power and authority over them. 

We have to use what we have. 

We are going to use everything that God will teach us and give us. We are going to exercise our authority in Christ. That's exactly what we are doing. 

So, this vision that the Club of Rome says they have for Austria is not for Austria. It's for the whole world.

But we will not let them carry out this wickedness in the world. 

They must accept the fact that their theories on an ideology. 

They base it on the idea that the world will have a population explosion. It's all about Eugenics.

Basing their theory on this ideology on this idea is not rooted in science. 

They allow discussions and debates of a hoax of climate change which again is not rooted in science. They avoid any sensible debate. 

The Bible talks about them and warns us not to accept their theories because they are rooted in satanism. 

This month is a very special month. 

I like how the spirit of God guides us in his wisdom. He knows and sees everything. Nobody knows Satan like God does. Jesus described him well as a 'Native liar'.

2 Timothy 2:1-3, Acts 4:33, 5:12

The apostles proved the resurrection of Jesus with many signs. 

We did that last month during the Healing streams. Amazing things happened. 

When the disciples of John wanted to find out about Jesus whether or not he was the one they were expecting (John 11:1-5), those were necessary credentials.

Acts 4V33: Great Grace was upon all the people. 

He told us we have faith to faith. There are different levels of Faith. Zero faith, little faith, great faith.

Then there is Grace to Grace- grace heaped upon grace

There is glory to glory..

Here it says Great Grace was upon them all..

Acts 11:22

Barnabas saw the grace of God on the Christians at Antioch 

(Acts 4:34 is not the same as the collectivization policy. This was the early church who had no idea of God's plan for the world. They thought the gospel was only for Israel. They didn't understand the prophecies of Daniel... The 2000 years of the church, the 69th and 70th week gap. It was in Chapter 15 that there was a debate on whether the gentiles were to be accepted in the church.  In chapter 10 Peter had an experience regarding this. It was from chapter 15, the arrival of Paul on the scene, that things began to change and they understood God's program for the church. Changes began to take place after this. They reorganized. So this seeming socialist program in Chapter 4 was not church based. They were a pretty young and ignorant church. Don't lift it and connect it with Socialism or Communism)

4:33- Great Grace was upon them all. 

There is Grace, More grace... And great grace. And it can be healed over and over. 

The month of August is the month of Great Grace. You are going to walk in great grace. Extraordinary and special things will happen in your life. Great grace is for special things God's attention is towards you to do you good and bless you in a special way. It's his plan. 

And you say AMEN to it.

That's what you're going to enjoy this month.


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