❄️ SEASON 5, PHASE 1, DAY 2❄️
✍️ How can a man give you peace, whose heart doesn't have peace?
✍️ Science is a debate.
✍️ We (the church) haven't come this far to be foolish, stupid and quiet.
✍️ In Catholicism; they've been calling for global authority a long time.
✍️ United States of America is the child and offspring of Europe and will only do what they say.
✍️ Jerusalem will be trodden down by the gentiles, until the times of the gentiles be fulfilled.
✍️ King David prophesied the crucification and death of Jesus; 1000yearsbefore it happened. So it's not about the length of the prophecy.
✍️ Make no mistake about it, we are in the winning team.
✍️ Leave the good things for the best things i.e that's growth.
✍️ He( Christ) wants us to grow up on all things in Him (Ephesians 4:15).
✍️ Revelation knowledge surpassess scientific knowledge.
✍️ It's possible to be filled with the fullness of God.
✍️ The Spirit of God; is the Angel of God's presence.
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