I thank You, Lord, for the life of Christ in me that makes me superhuman!
I recognize Your divine ability, efficiency and might that’s at work in me today. By virtue of the divine life of Christ in me, I declare that nothing shall be impossible unto me, in the Name of Jesus.
Thus, I refuse to allow sickness, disease, and infirmity in my body, or accommodate poverty and failure in my life. I’ve been catapulted into God’s Kingdom of light and life, where only divinity, success, victory, joy, peace, prosperity, and divine health reign. Hallelujah!
Thank You, for the victorious life You’ve called me into, a triumphant life above sickness, poverty, failure, death, and every form of disease. I walk worthy of this calling, today and always, fully taking advantage of the power of divinity at work in me, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Thank You, Father, for the power in the Name of Jesus and the authority I have to use that Name against the devil, sickness, disease, and everything that hurts or binds. By the power of that Name,
I declare that I’m living the higher life of glory that You prearranged for me, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
click on the link below for yesterday's Faith's proclamations of healing and health
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