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Your Loveworld Specials Season 5 Phase 7 Day 1 with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

Opening Prayer:
Pastor Deola Philips

I want to welcome you to your Loveworld specials season 5 phase 7. It’s amazing that we’ve had to come this far;  I don’t think anybody expected that we will be doing this at this time. But, it’s God’s plan. You’d have thought we will do this program under “other circumstances”, but it is God’s plan, so that we will be in the position to encourage you, minister strength to you, bring you information and guidance through the Holy Spirit; and build you up with the word of God, and the power of the Holy Ghost. We are thankful to God, that he would find us useful in this hour, for his divine purpose.

We are beginning this week, a series of programs that will do several things in your life. So at the end, you will surely be at another level: a higher level of development, understanding, grace, knowledge, wisdom, so much will happen with you this week.


Glory to God!!! You have a special blessing today. When God blessed one, he blesses so many more.
I would like to show you a documentary that was put together, and it’s titled “Debacles from Davos” it is a short one, but watch.


You know the easiest thing to do, is for us to just fold our hands and let them do whatever they want to do. Why do we even care? But you have to reverse the question, “why can’t they just let things be?” You heard what the man said, he said “the future is built by those of us in this room” he’s wrong. The future isn’t built by him and those with him; the future is built by us. Glory to God. He will find out. The Bible says “through faith, we understand that the aions were framed by the rhema of God”…..Hebrews 11:3.

The WEF is the face of the deep state. They are really the deep state. They create this recondite agreements that they pass to nations They use all the right lingo, but it’s all a ruse. Horrible! It’s just a subterfuge for realizing this satanic monolith. We shouldn’t be deceived by their use of all the right language. Sugarcoating it….telling us that they want to build a beautiful one world, where nobody would own anything, except them, and you would be happy.
God designed people to own private property. If he knew happiness come from owning nothing, wouldn’t he have thought of implementing it. Or have they forgotten what poverty means?
So, in one breath, they say they want everyone to own something; and the next they say you will own nothing, they will own everything and you would higher from them. Everything you are going to use, has to be hired from them. A bundle of contradictions.
The perspective of this matter is this people gather together to plan gigantic larceny. Steal from the others. This is sad.

What’s behind this is actually a move by the western masons of the free masons. This was shared in 2020, when the expose on what the free masons were up and about, the current situation. The western masons of the free masons (those in Europe and America).
In their secret discussions, Europe is spent: no oil, no gas, no food. Nothing of necessity to export to the world, and those they have controlled for so long, are waking up, beginning to realize, having better understanding, and its causing men like klaus schwabs to fear. In his book, THE GREAT RESET, it is spelt out there. They hate that technology is bringing about knowledge, and it’s even given those who they erstwhile were considered poor countries, previous colonies can suddenly become wealthy in the new economy. So the great reset is actually a rejection, on the part of the WEF, against this…because they fear a reverse capital flight. That’s an economic term.
They’ve known a capital flight from Africa, Asia, and part of Oceania to Europe and America; but the current situation is likely to reverse the capital flight, and this scares them to death.

Understanding what I’m talking about, they’re not trying to defend or help Europe….Ask yourself, “where did the worst dictators and tyrants in the world, emanate from?” EUROPE! They’ve produced the worst wars, and dictatorships? Europe! Reason? Because of Selfishness.

They’ve always concentrated these things to themselves and among themselves; and thus bringing poverty in Europe. We are dealing with a continent that is spent by tyrants. That is the real trouble, and it’s formation.

On the surface, it looks like an economic issue, but beneath, the real question is “who is inspiring the so-called solution?” Klaus Schwabs is trying to walk in the shoes of Albert Pike. He’s trying to become a pseudo-chair of these horrible elites. These are larcenists.
Klaus Schwabs is trying to fulfill Albert Pikes vision, in his own way. An Article was read in 2020, when the discussion of what the freemasonry was all about. They deceived many, making them believe it’s a social non religious group. No! Albert Pike Opined that Freemasonry is a religion.

Who was Albert Pike? He was the grand commander, Sovereign pontiff of a Universal Freemasonry.
He said in his address to the 23 counsels of the world of freemasonry…”that which we must say to the crowd is that we worship a god, but it is the god one adores without superstition. To you sovereign grand inspector generals, we say this, and you may repeat it to the brethren of the 31st, 32nd, and 30th degrees, the Masonic religion should be by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferean doctrine”. Therefore freemasonry is a religion to be maintained within the dictates of the luciferean doctrine. Furthermore, he postulates “if Lucifer wasn’t God, would Adonai (the God of the Christians), whose deeds show cruelty, perferdy and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science. Would Adonai calumniate Lucifer? Yes, Lucifer is god, and Adonai is also God. For the Eternal law is there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black; for the absolute cannot exist as two gods, darkness being necessary for light to serve as its foil, as the pedestal is necessary for its statute, and the brake to the locomotive. Thus, the doctrine of satanism is heresy”
It’s about enthroning a luciferean order, the worship of satan. This is what the WEF is about. At the junior levels it is not obvious.

In the Masonic order, they opined that the doctrine of satanism is heresy, which means they don’t agree with what we say about satan. They don’t agree that the name satan should be applied to Lucifer. Why? Because in Hebrew, Satan is from the  word “satan” and the Greek is satanas, which all means an adversary, a deceiver, it’s all so negative.

Satan is the archenemy of all that is good, we call him the accuser. We call him the devil. The Bible says “and satan”. So when you call Lucifer satan, they disagree. They even go to the Bible to show you that Lucifer doesn’t mean Satan but Light bearer. Quoting Isaiah 14:12. They say Lucifer is the light bearer. Of course, if you apply the law of double referencing, part of this refers to the king of Babylon, and then spiritually, observing that several things written cannot be applied to a human being but a spirit being, that is why they agree with us that the one referred to here is a spirit being, known as Lucifer. But this doesn’t mean that he continued to be a light bearer…observe what is written “how you have been cut to the ground, you that weaken the nations”. He fell from where he was.

Reading from the Septuagint, Isaiah 14:12
“how is fallen from heaven, the day star, which use to rise early in the morning, he has been crushed into the earth who use to send light into all the nations”.
Contrary to the belief of the masonry, he isn’t there anymore.

Albert Pike said that  “it is a heresy, a true and philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer the equal of Adonai. But Lucifer, the god of light and of good is struggling for humanity against Adonai, the God of darkness and evil”. These are what they have been made to believe.

Here is his strategy for the Third World War “…must be fermented (orchestra, plan and executed) by taking advantage of the differences caused by the agenda of the Illuminati between the Zionist and the leaders of the Islamic world. It must be conducted in such a way that islam and Zionism mutually destroy each other”. Here is a modification by Schwabs “other nations linked to this issue must be constrained to fight to the point of complete spiritual, moral and physical exhaustion ”. So Klaus comes up with a different philosophy…he views it more politically making a war between the haves and have not.

The button line of pikes strategy is bring them to a physical, moral and spiritual exhaustion, that’s the point. They scheme on how they to get people to this point. They don’t want people to have peace anymore. They bring things and program to wear you to the point point of giving up. Until you are tired and give them the chance to do as they wish.

Continuing “we shall unleash the atheist to produce a formidable catechism which in all its horror will produce to all the evil of absolute atheism….origin of savagery and the most bloody turmoil”. These people are horrible
Everywhere the citizens will have to defend themselves against a minority of revolutionaries, exterminate those destroyers of multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirit will from that moment be without compass”. They expect the Christians to become confused, anxious for an ideal, without knowing where to render it’s true adorations” they expect to accept the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought out finally in the public view”. They say it’s not about religion but they know it’s about religion. They’re just waiting for the right moment.

“These manifestation (open declaration of/for the worship of Lucifer) will result from the general reactionary movement that will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time”. This is their vision.

They hate atheism (saying a godless society is not possible) but they want to introduce to all, the god that must be served and that god is Lucifer. They want to establish in the world, a luciferean order.

God’s people have to be enlightened to understand this. Studying God’s word, will help you discover all of these things. It’s all in the Bible. He already told us about what’s gonna happen.

The Freemasons have their role in the implementation of a satan rule, and Klaus Schwabs is championing it today.

Pastor said “I hope you don’t give in to deception. Don’t allow deception.
Sometimes, when these thoughts are expressed, majorly when you have a bedeviled media, discombobulated media, they hear this and acsquinate Christian leaders, especially Pastors. But, they are not the ones you listen to, you listen to the word of God from the scriptures. Listen to the scriptures.

The freemasonry are fully intent on a recolonization of the nations, it’s called globalization. You have been warned that it isn’t globalization by any standard. We must look at the strategy and understand.

This week we will be looking at our HOLY WAR. We will look at it and find out how. Not many Christians have been trained to fight. You are going to get trained to fight. This was one of the problems before Covid. Most Christians were not trained to fight. Not knowing what weapon to use. The Bible tells us about our weapons and habiliments of war, but not so many understand, these things are actually to be used. Remember this, when you receive salvation, you receive the Holy Spirit, you are immediately brought into the army of God, you become a soldier right away, and you start getting trained.

No soldier trains himself, that’s why you were brought into the house of God. You are brought into a church, a congregation of God’s people. Consequently, the leaders are supposed to be trained. Only a fighter can train others to fight.

1 Timothy 6:12
Fight the good fight of faith.
What is the fight of faith? It’s not about trying to get something. That’s what many thought before Covid, which made the enemy become audacious, thinking that the sweeping Covid restrictions would shut down the church forever. Telling us the church as we knew it, would never return. They are still fighting, hoping to correct their mistakes.

The UK had a major change, the removing of the prime minister. On the outside they want us to believe that he was removed because he was becoming more liberal than conservative, but there were those who were angry with him for messing up Covid. They blamed him for lifting the restrictions, because they want to turn the UK into another Australia or Canada. God’s people don’t let them turn the UK to Australia and Canada. Even against these countries, the power of the Holy Ghost is working against all those demented technocrats.

Make no mistakes, we are winning.
Brothers and sisters, there is a war and you have to know.

In 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh.
Here, he’s dealing with a particular context. This isn’t the entire thing that has to do with our warfare.

Revelation 17:12
A clip of the polarization of the world, and it’s realignment.

Pastor reads Putin’s statement about a shift to a multipolar world.
NATO wants the war to continue. They have come to a recondite agreement where they want nations to commit their army to nato. They are building a large army, thereby demilitarizing your nation. Your army will no longer be answerable to their various commander in chiefs, but to Europe. China and Russia will not submit. Why does your country want to commit when Russia and china are not. Historically, the troublers of Africa and Asia, are the same ones still troubling them today. Africa and Asian countries are supposed to fear Russia and China more than Europe and the US.
African nations need patriotic leaders, and there should be alternatives to the WEF because they’re building something that’s not good for the world. These transhumanists should be allowed to fester. There will be competitors to the WEF, and the WEF will start loosing their grip on nation. They cannot have monopoly of thoughts. What they have done so far is not good for the world.

Pastor compares the WEF to fanfaranating, swaggering braggadocios wrestlers…who have nothing but their swagger. Our weapons are mighty through God. We are in a warfare, and our weapons are not of human understanding.

Luke 10:18-19
Satan fell so quick and fast from heaven as lightning. Then he now gives us power to tread over scorpions and serpents and all the ability of the devil.
The Lord Jesus only referred to the enemy as the devil (Matthew 13:39). Never refer to another human as an enemy. We have authority over everything satan can muster.

There is a warfare, there is an enemy. This enemy has his ministers, his servants.
2 Corinthians 11:14-15. The ministers of satan are acting like the good guys too. His ministers are disguised, masquerading  as the good guys too. Don’t be deceived, Satan poses like an agent of light.
Satan deceived Albert Pike and all those of the 30th, 31st and 32nd degrees.

2 Timothy 4:7-8
We all should be able to say “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my cause, I have kept the faith”. Just like Paul did.

We could have just relaxed and let things be, but we can’t, because necessity is laid on us. We didn’t receive the Holy Ghost for nothing.

HEALING STREAMS ON 29th-31st of July, at 3PM



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